NopCommerce 4.0 render Action on view, need to convert to Component but how?

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4 года назад

I've been at this for 4 hours now and cannot figure out how to convert my code (from NopCommerce 3.6) to the new 4.X of using Components.

I have the following call on my Product Details View:
@Html.Action("HassleFreeProduct", "Product", new { productId = Model.Id })

In my controller I have an Action Method that returns HTML to the view where it's rendered.:

public ActionResult HassleFreeProduct(int productId)
            var model = new model();
            return View(model);

How do I do this on NopCommerce 4.0?

So far I've figured out I have to convert my ActioMethod to a Component but what exactly does that mean?  I cannot find any examples in the code.

Can someone provide an example on how to do this in NopCommerce 4.0 +
4 года назад
I guess I needed one more hour...

I think I figured it out, at least I got my code to work!

Action Methods in Controllers are now Components, Look at Nop.Web.Components
Create a class for your new component and derive from NopViewComponent
Implement the Invoke Method and put your old Action Method code there

Then add a view in \Theme\Views\Shared\Components or an appropiate location.

Call the Action from your View like this:
@await Component.InvokeAsync("HassleFreeProduct", new { productId = Model.Id })

And see your code come alive!
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