import products by excel sheet

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4 года назад
i try import Product information on excel sheet but this error show

"Categories with the same name are not supported in the same category level. Check your category list in "Catalog -> Categories" page"

and the category name is correct

where is the problem please ?
4 года назад
3 года назад
NOT working, Tried all suggestions,
ALso deleted the category from excel and system always saying ,
"Categories with the same name are not supported in the same category level. Check your category list in "Catalog -> Categories" page".
You are trying to promote plugin purchase
3 года назад
Configuration > Settings > Catalog Settings > Export/Import section - "Export/Import products with category breadcrumb" = true

Then in excel you can populate category column as example below:
Computers >> Software; Sale >> Software;

this feature is not available in version 3.9, so probably from 4.0 onwards.

Globalbasket wrote:
NOT working, Tried all suggestions,
ALso deleted the category from excel and system always saying ,
"Categories with the same name are not supported in the same category level. Check your category list in "Catalog -> Categories" page".
You are trying to promote plugin purchase
2 года назад
I am still getting the same error in version 4.50.1
Categories with the same name are not supported in the same category level. Check your category list in "Catalog -> Categories" page
2 года назад
Duplicate category name on same level cause the issue.
Not sure if you have access on your DB to execute a Select Query,
If yes, this query will help you to find out problem creating categories.
WITH CTECategoryHierarchy(LeafCategoryId, FullName) AS (
  SELECT Id, CAST(Name as NVARCHAR(MAX)) FROM Category WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ParentCategoryId = 0 AND Deleted = 0
  SELECT c.Id, h.FullName+' > '+c.Name
  FROM Category c WITH (NOLOCK)
  JOIN CTECategoryHierarchy h ON h.LeafCategoryId = c.ParentCategoryId
CTEFinalData AS(
SELECT c2.Id, c2.Name, cs.cts.query('root').value('.[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS 'CategoryHierarchy'
FROM [dbo].Category c2
CROSS APPLY (SELECT ch.FullName + '; '
        FROM Category c1
        JOIN CTECategoryHierarchy ch WITH (NOLOCK) ON c1.Id = ch.LeafCategoryId
                WHERE  c1.Id = c2.Id
        order by c1.Id
                FOR XML PATH(''), root('root'), type) cs (cts)
        WHERE c2.Deleted = 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(Id) from Category c WHERE c.ParentCategoryId = c2.Id) = 0),
        MultipleCategory AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY
            ORDER BY
        ) Total_Count
        CTEFinalData cc
SELECT * from MultipleCategory where Total_Count > 1 order by Total_Count desc
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