Fails to save updates.

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13 лет назад
I am trying to add in a new section using other parts as a guide.

it all seems to work fine as far as getting the values from SQL, displaying them on the page and so on but when I go to save changes it will not pull the new text info I entered in to the page. for example:


        <td class="adminTitle">
            <nopCommerce:ToolTipLabel runat="server" ID="lblParentIdTitle" Text="Parent ID" ToolTip="ParentId"
                ToolTipImage="~/Administration/Common/ico-help.gif" />
        <td class="adminData">
            <asp:TextBox ID="txtParentId" runat="server" CssClass="adminInput"></asp:TextBox>

in the code behind I have,

public Distributor SaveInfo()
            Distributor distributor = DistributorManager.GetDistributorById(this.DistributorId);
            string name = txtName.Text.Trim();
            int parentId = int.Parse(txtParentId.Text.Trim());

in the txt box I will enter "1" with the old value being "9"
when I step through the code int parentId = int.Parse(txtParentId.Text.Trim()); it grabes the old value of 9 and not the 1 that was just entered. if I change it to parentId = 1; then it updates the database with no problems.

Any idea on what could cause this?
13 лет назад
Well at least I'm learning,

turns out that the add function worked and the update did not because of two simple lines of code and a mistake I've made many times and still keep making.

private void BindData()
            Distributor distributor = DistributorManager.GetDistributorById(this.DistributorId);
            if (distributor != null)
                this.txtName.Text = distributor.DistributorName;
                this.txtParentId.Value = distributor.ParentId;
                this.txtFLimit.Text = distributor.FLimit.ToString();
                this.txtFCount.Text = distributor.FCount.ToString();
                this.txtDistributorCredit.Text = string.Format("{0:c}", distributor.DistributorCredit.ToString());
                this.cbActive.Checked = distributor.Active;
                this.cbBlocked.Checked = distributor.Blocked;
                this.txtAdminComment.Text = distributor.AdminNote;
                this.txtPeachTreeId.Text = distributor.PeachTreeId;

and the most important part

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
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