Discount for multiple items or more than 1 item

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4 года назад
How can i do below requirement

Customers will be given the discount code of "XXX20" This will give them 20% off their total bill Only when they buy two Or More times.
4 года назад
You need to add discount rule.
4 года назад
You have to do customization or create plugin or find related to this plugin from market.
4 года назад
pijilex298 wrote:
How can i do below requirement

Customers will be given the discount code of "XXX20" This will give them 20% off their total bill Only when they buy two Or More times.

Can you be more specific? "two or more items" refers to same product or any product in the store?

4 года назад
Imagine there is category called "Seasonal" and there are 5 products (Ex: SeaProOne, SeaProTwo, SeaProThree, SeaProFour, SeaProFive) in Seasonal category.

So discount code applies when customer,
buys 2 or more items from same item (Ex: SeaProTwo - Qty 2x )
2 or more items from above products in given category (Ex: SeaProFive,  SeaProFour, SeaProOne)

4 года назад
It seems as if your Requirements is just "2 or more products in given category"

You need to download/install a Discount Requirement Rule plugin.  Most are no longer standard as part of the main nopCommerce install, and you must get them from the Marketplace. (Which you can access from your admin in "All plugins and themes").

The nopCommerce team's ""Has one product" discount requirement rule can do what you want but requires you list each product/quantity:

The comma-separated list of product identifiers (e.g. 77, 123, 156). You can find a product ID on its details page. You can also specify the comma-separated list of product identifiers with quantities ({Product ID}:{Quantity}. for example, 77:1, 123:2, 156:3). And you can also specify the comma-separated list of product identifiers with quantity range ({Product ID}:{Min quantity}-{Max quantity}. for example, 77:1-3, 123:2-5, 156:3-8).

Or, I see there is also a 3rd party plugin "Has categories" discount requirement rule, which may have an easier setup in your case with just 1 category.
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