Overriding WebStoreContext

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4 года назад
There are a few other threads "Somewhat" related to this question, but not close enough in specifics to reply off one of those.

Essentially, I am doing custom landing pages that alter the brand appearance based on a user who logs in.  There are several out of the box ways to change look/feel based on Customer Role of course.

That said, the most powerful way of doing nop segmentation is using limit per store (multi-store)...but the catch is, the store is determined by an HTTP-POST and an inspection of the header values decides which store is rendering. (string host = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request?.Headers[HeaderNames.Host];)

Its straight forward enough to override this class from a plugin which I have done.  I noticed in the same class WebStoreContext, the other function (ActiveStoreScopeConfiguration) makes a reference to IWorkContext via the following approach
//do not inject IWorkContext via constructor because it'll cause circular references
                    var currentCustomer = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>().CurrentCustomer;

I attempting to add the line  var currentCustomer = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>().CurrentCustomer; in Store CurrentStore function, but it just seems to spin into an infinite loop.  I don't get the circular reference error...I get a stack overflow error after a few seconds.

Has anyone deteremined if it is possible to get a reference to the current customer (via workContext) in the StoreContext get function?

If I could get a reference to the Workcontext, I could replace "var store = allStores.FirstOrDefault(s => _storeService.ContainsHostValue(s, host));" in my overridden function and send a customer to a specific store without being bound by the URL entered. I would use some genericAttributeService attribute about the Customer and set the store to be X for customer Y.

2 года назад

Did you ever get a solution to this please? I need to do the exact same thing and I'm struggling to get my custom IStoreContext to be set based on the RegisteredInStoreId of the logged in user!

Kind regards,
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