Product Variant Display

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15 лет назад
Some of my products have various sizes and colors with each size having a different price. In the moment the Product page displays only 1 base price and all variant product prices are added to it. Is there a way to change the display of the product variants so that the price is not in brackets as seen below
Single Duvet Cover 135 x 200 [+£170.00]
Double Duvet Cover 200 x 200 [+£260.00]
King Size Duvet Cover 230 x 220 [+£350.00]

Have  looked in product.CSS file but cannot find anything

Best regards

15 лет назад
I think you are referring to product attributes, not product variants (SKUs).

The format for the dropdownlist is set in /Modules/ProductAttributes.ascx.cs

If you want greater control over the formatting you would be better off creating a separate variant for each size and then using CSS to format.

Hope this helps,
15 лет назад
There does appear to be a "Concept Difficulty" in this area which I cannot - as a newbie - really get to grips with.
I have an identical case where I have a basic product - a brand of dog food available in both different flavours and different size bags.
Each flavour needs a seperate Product entry where the description of that flavour - such as Ingredients and feeding guide need to be. This is quite a long description.
So my "Variants" are the different flavours and my "Attributes" are the size of each bag (2Kg, 7.5Kg, 15Kg) with each defined as the price difference from the "Base" (A 2Kg bag).
Unfortunately each size of bag has a different SKU - so by listing it in this way I cannot integrate my systems to maintain stock control because the "Attributes" do not allow for an SKU.
In addition a discount applied to an SKU appears to only apply the (percentage) to the Base price of that product not including the cost difference of the Attribute. [color=green]UPDATE: It appears that the "You Save" amount shown in the shopping basket does not take account of the price difference of the attribute - the discount does appear to be correct - confusing for the shopper![/color]

The only way that I can see to overcome these difficulties is to list each flavour and size of bag as a separate SKU entry - unfortunately this then requires the inclusion of the large descriptive text for each size of bag and each flavour which really makes the addition of a product a nightmare because there does not appear to be a method of copying (other, of course, than delving down into the SQL database itself) all the details. This also makes the generated page for the user very long winded.

The way I would like to see the structure of product inclusion for my site is:-
-PRODUCT          "Dog Food Brand A"
---VARIANT        "Flavour of the food"
-----ATTRIBUTE    "Size of Bag" / Price Difference AND SKU

So with Silvia123's implementation being identical format I am not convinced that formatting is the answer other than to just removing the brackets around the prices.

There is also the issue that the base price is always displayed even if the user selects a Variant with a price difference.

There will also be cases where the ATTRIBUTE may be simple as in a colour (of a dog ID tag?) - but even then it is a different object which has to be distinguishable and may therefore have a different SKU.

You can have a look at our site to date to get an idea of the issues at - have a look at the "Pet Foods" / "Dog Food - Dry" / "Natural Dog Food Co"

I really hope that there is an answer to my concerns because I like the product.[color=brown][/color]
15 лет назад

it sounds like you may be overthinking the concept of products and variants.

Each different flavor would be a new product in that particular category, with it's own variants being the sizes (2.5, 7.5 etc)

So your set up would be something line

Beef chews (product)
  - 2KG SKU 123-x (variants)
  - 7KG SKU 123-y

Chicken chunks
  - 2KG SKU 567-x
  - 7KG SKU 567-y
15 лет назад
Thanks for your consideration big_al but I have tried different combinations and the one that really looks professional (and useable by the target shopper) is to have the Bag Sizes (Duvet Sizes, Cage Sizes, Hard Drive Sizes whatever) as the Attribute.
For example for one brand of Dog Food there are 15 Varieties of Flavour and for each flavour there are 3 different bag sizes.

Now, if I have a Variant as the Flavour and the Bag sizes as Attributes the customer only sees 1 "box" per flavour and can select the bag size from a drop down list. This shows the customer 15 "boxes" on screen. This LOOKS VERY NICE and professional and I can also show the feeding guide and ingredients just once for each flavour. Drawbacks are no SKU's on the attributes and discounts do not apply to the price differentials on those attributes either. [color=green]UPDATE: It is the "You Save" price in the shopping basket that doesn't reflect the attribute price difference - the discount does appear to be calculated correctly.[/color]

But, if I have the Product as the flavour and the bag sizes as variants the poor customer sees 45 "boxes". I cannot show feedings guide, ingredients once per page for the flavour - it would have to be per bag size and therefore not really acceptable - unless I separate the flavours onto a different page by having the Sub-category as the flavour - but then the customer cannot immediately compare. The only benefits here are that the discounts can be applied to the product / bag size combinations although these have to effectively be applied to 3 "products".

So, to my newbie brain, I don't really feel that I am overthinking. I have used many on-line shops and I have spent a good few days on nopcommerce and I really like the product but I am quite irked by this issue of the variants because it is preventing me from really achieving the site I want to see. Unfortunately I will have to forego specific SKU discounts (a real pity for "Introductory Discounts" on new products and other per product discounts that I was aiming to use) and also direct integration with my existing product pricing and stock control database - but this could be hacked directly into the database.
15 лет назад
I have updated the entries above to correct my comments regarding the application of the discount to the attribute price differential - it appears that it is just the "You save" shown, in the shopping cart and the item display, that remains based on the base price.
14 лет назад
prioryc (or anyone),
Just wondering if/how you have solved this issue.
14 лет назад
Hi, I am stuck on similar issue.
I love the product so far, but this one problem is a KILLER FOR me.
It looks like i can add product variant can have 1+ attribute, each with 1+ values.
It looks like I can set the STOCK and PRICE per product variant which is good, and I can also give this prouct variant its own SKU and name, all awsome.
What sucks, is i cannot combine all this product variants into groups of attributes but still keep the stock amount linked to an attribute or collection of attributes, instead of product variant.
Unless I am too drunk to realize what i am missing.
What i am trying to get is simple product with say two attributes as dropdowns:
What i can do is have 1 product variant with this combination, but that would mean that the STOCK amount applies to the whole group and not each attribute, so if in my example I have one of each....10 items total, the stock qty would be 10.
as soon as one item WHITE size 5 is sold, I no longer have it in stock. But since I cannot specify the stock per attribute I can have it do what i need, and I would think this is very common scenario.

One other way to do is, to have all possible combinations listed as its own separate SKUs, but thank page can be very bad looking, having 10 different product variants.

What would be good, and this is a SUGESTION: is keep ADMIN part the same, allow you to enter different skus with its own inv count, and price adjustment, and if you have multiple SKUs with same attributes, ie drop downs with size, COMBINE THEM VISUALLY INTO ONE DROP DOWN with SIZES.
so collect all unique values of the SIZE ATTRIBUTES, so than you can find matching SKU based on selection.
Do you guys have any other ideas how this can be implemented?
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