I'm currently customizing how taxes are calculated because NY state has a lot of weird rules that currently aren't possible to implement in nopCommerce, however I have a question on some code that I don't understand.

Relevant Code (nopCommerce 1.8):
        protected decimal GetTaxRate(Address address, int taxCategoryID)
            int CountryID = 0;
            int StateProvinceID = 0;

            if (address.Country != null)
                CountryID = address.Country.CountryId;
            if (address.StateProvince != null)
                StateProvinceID = address.StateProvince.StateProvinceId;
            decimal tr = decimal.Zero;
            var taxRates = TaxRateManager.GetAllTaxRates(taxCategoryID, CountryID, StateProvinceID, address.ZipPostalCode);
            if (taxRates.Count > 0)
                tr += taxRates[0].Percentage;
            return tr;

What I don't understand is the bit about :

if (taxRates.Count > 0)
                tr += taxRates[0].Percentage;

That doesn't make sense to me.  You're returning a list of all available tax rates, however you're only adding/returning the first one?  I think I'm right, however wanted a second/third opinion in case I'm misunderstanding something.