Css amateur question

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15 лет назад
Why ul li lists doesnt show disks and indents on list items? (added directly in page source)


always show like:

would like
* item

Tried adding style
<ul style=" list-style-type:disc">

15 лет назад
the style could be inherited from another element (or on the li directly). Try using firebug in firefox or inspector in google chrome and you can see exactly what styles are applied to an element.
15 лет назад
Yes I found it using Web developer addon for Firefox
Style sits here App_Themes/publicStore/reset-fonts-grids.css

li (line 8)
list-style-type: none;
list-style-image: none;
list-style-position: outside;

So is there way to override this some pages?
Or must I create second master page and remove this css file? (doesn't sound like good solution)
15 лет назад
This also stands for editing text in fckeditor (e.g. product description) so basically with this css setup no lists,bold,italic styles can be applied. (you can define these in fckeditor but publicStore css overrides them)
15 лет назад
you should create a new css class that defines your style and apply this to your ul element

.mylist li


<ul class="mylist">
15 лет назад
I've tried that and it doesn't work.
15 лет назад
Where are you adding the class, in the page's head section or in an external stylesheet file? Try putting it in reset-fonts-grids.css underneath the default li styles.
15 лет назад
You have to add the change to the end of the CSS file for the theme.

also note the the style you are have the issue with is li not ul you need to add the class there

the example you where was

<ul class="mylist">

and should be

<li class="mylist">
<li class="mylist">
15 лет назад
I see, thanks for help.

Any idea how to modify css to enable lists/bolds/italics entered from fckeditor (e.g. prod desc) to show on frontend ?

I've removed reset-fonts-grids.css file from publicStore folder which added disc to category navigation tree but still does not show in product description.
15 лет назад
In reset-fonts-grids.css I would change:




(fckeditor renders bold as <strong> rather than <b>)

I don't really see the point in resetting any styles that you are likely to use frequently within the CMS (using fckeditor) as otherwise you would have to create a custom class and use that within fckeditor every time you wanted to apply these styles.

Hope that helps.
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