Help w/ Shipping Charges

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13 лет назад
Thanks in advance for reading my post. I am brand new to nopCommerce and am trying to configure shipping charges. I'm configuring a small trailer parts store, and I have UPS and Common Carrier (trucking company) shipping methods configured by weight. So, products 1 to 96 pounds go UPS and products exceeding that weight go by truck.

Here is/are the issue(s). I have several products that can ONLY be shipped via a trucking company because UPS has a weight limit for shipping. I've set up shipping configurations by weight, however I can't figure out how to assign ONLY one shipping method or the other. The end user still has a choice between the two configurations.

An example: I select a product weighing 100 pounds (too heavy for UPS) and proceed to checkout. When I get down to the shipping portion of the checkout, it still gives me a choice between my UPS and Common Carrier configurations.

Is there a way to limit the shipping configurations the end customer can choose from?
13 лет назад
Hi, I don't think there is a way to limit UPS and hide it if there is no appropraite shipping option - but you can hide some of the other shipping options if they are not configured.

If you are prepared to set up shipping by order weight - and not use the UPS shipping module, you can acheive your needs the following way:

create two shipping methods eg

other courier

select + publish shipping by order weight - on the configuration tab, tick box ' Limit shipping methods to configured ones '

set up the shipping method UPS ( in the drop down list ) to cover your weights 0- 96 lbs

then set up ' other courier ' for weights over 96 lbs

only one or other of the shipping methods will appear
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