I have migrate an oscommerce website (manufacturer & category & product ) -> Nop 1.80.
i used Talend Open Studio for this migrate, it's a great soft.

but, how to import images in nop database ?
I programmed in VB a little code (from scratch, in shit mode, Fast, no optimized, no secure, etc.. ;) )

my program open a CSV file with lot of line ( Id ; Product Description ; picture path ).
he open picture, scale it and stock in nop db.

I hope help you with my source.

sorry for my english, it's so bad, but i'm work :(

happy new year !


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

''' <summary>
''' Bulk import of picture in NOP DB.
''' Tested with NOP1.80 . Probably ok with old version.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>use VB.NET Framework 3.5 and Linq (VB2008 and VB2010 ok) </remarks>
Public Class Form1
    Public Const MAX_IMAGE_SIZE As Long = 100000

    Private Sub GO_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GO.Click

        Dim separator As Char = CChar(";")

        ' exemple of CSV File
        ' Id    ;   Name                        ;   PATH Image              ;  
        ' 7139  ; 4015 clover - BIAIS 25 mm     ; c:\export\020111\images\4015.jpg  ;

        Dim FileCSV = File.ReadAllLines(nomfichier.Text)
        Dim NameColon = FileCSV.First().Split(separator)  ' nameColon = Id ; Name ; Path  (not use in this script)

        Dim data = From line In FileCSV.Skip(1) _
                   Select line.Split(separator)                        ' read file but skip First Line

        Dim ids = From champ In data _
                  Select champ(0)                                       ' ID

        Dim name = From champ In data
                   Select champ(1)                                      ' NAME

        Dim pictures = From champ In data _
                  Select champ(2)                                       ' Picture PATH

        Dim nbpictures = ids.Count

        Dim height As Double
        Dim width As Double
        Dim ratio As Double
        Dim picture1 As Bitmap
        Dim picture2 As Bitmap

        For i = 0 To nbpictures

            If File.Exists(pictures(i)) Then

                ' rescale this picture if necessary.
                picture1 = New Bitmap(pictures(i))
                height = picture1.Height
                width = picture1.Width

                If height > 600 Then           ' if height> 600px then height 600px & calc Width.
                    ratio = height / 600
                    height = 600
                    width = width / ratio
                End If
                If width > 600 Then             ' idem for Width.
                    ratio = width / 600
                    width = 600
                    height = height / ratio
                End If

                ' create a new picture with height/width ok.
                picture2 = New Bitmap(CInt(width), CInt(height))
                picture2 = CType(picture1.GetThumbnailImage(CInt(width), CInt(height), Nothing, Nothing), Bitmap)

                ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                ' Stock picture (blob) in SQL nop_image
                ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Dim myCmd As SqlCommand
                Dim myCmd2 As SqlCommand

                Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
                Dim arrPicture() As Byte

                ' Modify this line with your connection string.
                Dim myConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MyIP\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MyNopBase;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;Connect Timeout=120")

                myCmd = New SqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Nop_Picture ON ; insert into Nop_Picture (PictureId,PictureBinary,Extension,IsNew)values (@PictureId, @PictureBinary, @Extension, @IsNew)", myConnection)
                myCmd2 = New SqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Nop_ProductPicture ON ; insert into Nop_ProductPicture (ProductPictureId,ProductID,PictureID,displayOrder) values (@ProductPictureId, @ProductID, @PictureID, @DisplayOrder)", myConnection)

                If Not IsNothing(picture2) Then
                    picture2.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
                    If ms.Length > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE Then
                        ' error....
                        ' TODO.....
                    End If
                    arrPicture = ms.GetBuffer()
                    myCmd.Parameters.Add("@PictureBinary", SqlDbType.Image).Value = arrPicture
                    myCmd.Parameters.Add("@PictureBinary", SqlDbType.Image).Value = DBNull.Value
                End If
                myCmd.Parameters.Add("@PictureId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ids(i)
                myCmd.Parameters.Add("@Extension", SqlDbType.Char).Value = "image/jpeg"
                myCmd.Parameters.Add("@IsNew", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = False

                myCmd2.Parameters.Add("@ProductPictureId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ids(i)
                myCmd2.Parameters.Add("@ProductId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ids(i)
                myCmd2.Parameters.Add("@PictureId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ids(i)
                myCmd2.Parameters.Add("@DisplayOrder", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1

                myCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()   ' Write Picture  
                myCmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()  ' Write Product - Picture relation.  


                ' If CSV file it's ok, but image.jpg not found > write line in textbox in same format of this csv file.
                ' exemple of output if 4015.jpg not found :
                ' 7139  ; 4015 clover - BIAIS 25 mm     ; c:\export\020111\images\4015.jpg  ;
                ' you copy/paste in your text editor ; you save in csv & you reload! (after have found a good images).

                result.Text = result.Text & ids(i) & ";" & name(i) & ";" & pictures(i) & vbCrLf
            End If

    End Sub

End Class