More than 3 products on 1st line Home Page?

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13 лет назад
Hi All

Is there an easy way to get more than 3 products listed on the 1st line of the home page?

I'd like to get 4 or 5 but no matter how much I shrink the width of what's already there, it never gives me more than 3.

13 лет назад
look in  modules/HomePageProducts.ascx

look for

<asp:DataList ID="dlCatalog" runat="server" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"

and change  RepeatColumns  to


you will need to edit the css to make space for them all
13 лет назад
Excellent. Thanks again!
13 лет назад
Unfortunately, that had no effect.

I'm using 1.6 - is there something else I need to change?
13 лет назад
Doh! My bad - I was changing the HomePageProducts file and I was needing to change HomePageCategories. Anyway, it worked the same in the end.

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