Customers name for Email

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3 года назад
I want to address a customer by name in an email template. Dear %Customer.FirstName%, however, the Customers First Name is a Key Value in table GenericAttributes. Is this accessible and if so what is the correct syntax?
3 года назад
programmatically outside of the email template?  this is how it's done in the CustomerModelFactory:
_genericAttributeService.GetAttribute<string>(customer, NopCustomerDefaults.FirstNameAttribute)
3 года назад
I want to keep this simple so the clients can edit the templates. Any changes needs to be managed within the Message Template Body.
3 года назад
I guess I don't understand, you already have the %Customer.FirstName% token available in most templates, did you copy the template from one where %Customer.FirstName% was not available?  you can tap into the MessageTokensAddedEvent / EntityTokensAddedEvent and add it from an IConsumer
3 года назад
af1racing wrote:
I guess I don't understand, you already have the %Customer.FirstName% token available in the template

Oh do I! So, sorry to have wasted your time. I never tried that I merely used %Customer.FirstName% as an example.
3 года назад
You're not wasting my time, I enjoy the learning.  See my edit above as some templates may not have it.  

However, something like the OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification has all of these and more:

%Customer.Email%, %Customer.Username%, %Customer.FullName%, %Customer.FirstName%, %Customer.LastName%, %Customer.VatNumber%, %Customer.VatNumberStatus%, %Customer.CustomAttributes%, %Customer.PasswordRecoveryURL%, %Customer.AccountActivationURL%, %Customer.EmailRevalidationURL%
3 года назад
Running the test template failed when I entered the %Customer.FirstName% value insofar as it said it was sent but nothing arrived. That said the test form input form values are more restricted and the only name was username.

I had looked at the OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification template and saw %Order.BillingFirstName% %Order.BillingLastName% but nothing beginning with Customer
3 года назад
Interesting, what version nopCommerce?  Does your SendOrderPaidCustomerNotification method in the WorkFlowMessageService have this line?

_messageTokenProvider.AddCustomerTokens(commonTokens, order.Customer);

In 4.2, I have all of these available:

Allowed message tokens
%Store.Name%, %Store.URL%, %Store.Email%, %Store.CompanyName%, %Store.CompanyAddress%, %Store.CompanyPhoneNumber%, %Store.CompanyVat%, %Facebook.URL%, %Twitter.URL%, %YouTube.URL%, %Customer.Email%, %Customer.Username%, %Customer.FullName%, %Customer.FirstName%, %Customer.LastName%, %Customer.VatNumber%, %Customer.VatNumberStatus%, %Customer.CustomAttributes%, %Customer.PasswordRecoveryURL%, %Customer.AccountActivationURL%, %Customer.EmailRevalidationURL%, %Wishlist.URLForCustomer%, %Order.OrderNumber%, %Order.CustomerFullName%, %Order.CustomerEmail%, %Order.BillingFirstName%, %Order.BillingLastName%, %Order.BillingPhoneNumber%, %Order.BillingEmail%, %Order.BillingFaxNumber%, %Order.BillingCompany%, %Order.BillingAddress1%, %Order.BillingAddress2%, %Order.BillingCity%, %Order.BillingCounty%, %Order.BillingStateProvince%, %Order.BillingZipPostalCode%, %Order.BillingCountry%, %Order.BillingCustomAttributes%, %Order.Shippable%, %Order.ShippingMethod%, %Order.ShippingFirstName%, %Order.ShippingLastName%, %Order.ShippingPhoneNumber%, %Order.ShippingEmail%, %Order.ShippingFaxNumber%, %Order.ShippingCompany%, %Order.ShippingAddress1%, %Order.ShippingAddress2%, %Order.ShippingCity%, %Order.ShippingCounty%, %Order.ShippingStateProvince%, %Order.ShippingZipPostalCode%, %Order.ShippingCountry%, %Order.ShippingCustomAttributes%, %Order.PaymentMethod%, %Order.VatNumber%, %Order.CustomValues%, %Order.Product(s)%, %Order.CreatedOn%, %Order.OrderURLForCustomer%, %Order.PickupInStore%, %Order.OrderId%

For conditional expressions use the token %if (your conditions) ... endif%
3 года назад
Thanks for listing all of those. I'm using 4.3 but cannot imagine such outputs will have changed. They may work in a live instance but not in trial because in trial it will only accept the inputs entered in the form.
3 года назад
The mail failure has been found in the logs. Nothing to do with those inputs. Furthermore, on entering marge field values the input form updates.
Error sending e-mail. An error occurred while attempting to establish an SSL or TLS connection.
I'm sure it must be right. Will examine why mail is failing tomorrow.
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