Installing NopCommerce 1.90 on EUKHost Shared Hosting

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13 лет назад
I'm trying to get NopCommerce 1.90 installed on our Windows shared account. We currently have 1.80 installed, which did so without any problems (AFAIR). However, 1.90 is giving me serious headaches.

The first problem we have is an error message telling us:

Unrecognized attribute "targetFramework".

<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">

This is in the web.config file.
13 лет назад
I think maybe your hosting is not running under .net4.0, try to change the version to 4.0 in your control panel.
13 лет назад
Yes. That's what the problem was but it had to be set up by EUKHost themselves.

Thankfully they have a VERY rapid response to problems and it was set up in minutes. :)
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