I am creating one plugin in nopcommerce 4.30. i have one setting in the plugin, setting name is: "Delete tables on plugin uninstall".This is "bool" datatype.

In nopcommerce420, Remove all plugin tables on plugin uninstall. You may loose your data on plugin uninstall if this setting is enabled.
In Object Context file we have Uninstall method and this method in we write drop tables script. So we can delete tables of plugin.

In nopcommerce 430 use FluentMigrator framework. "UninstallPlugins" method will be call when uninstall plugin and reloading plugin list.
"UninstallPlugins" method in DeletePluginData(descriptor.PluginType); executed. DeletePluginData() this method removes all plugin data on the database. so here how can i check my "Delete tables on plugin uninstall" setting.
Because  i don't think to override this method to plugin side is the good thing.

Can nopcommerce team implement this setting in code so vendors have easy for this?
Because lots of site owners need to data, they don't think to lost data. they only think they have them data.