SQL 4.3 upgrade script doubled tables

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3 года назад
Yep, that's a bug in the upgrade script. It should not be hard-coding [dbo] as it may not be installed under that schema. Well spotted sir!

tomsen wrote:
Pls. have a look at the upgrade sql script 4.2 => 4.3:

--new column
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
and NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = object_id('[ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]') AND NAME = 'TransitDays')
  ALTER TABLE [ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord]
  ADD TransitDays int NULL

I added the transitdays with SSMS to keep the Shipping Plugin "working".
3 года назад
Using third party plugins from nop-templates.

Cannot find any entries besides dataSettings.json.

3 года назад
Thanks a lot for reporting.

We've just fixed and re-uploaded the upgrade script
3 года назад
Even those places that we fixed could not lead to duplication of tables. It is more likely that the upgrade script was executed on behalf of the user whose default scheme  is DBO, and not on behalf of the user through which nopCommerce work with database
3 года назад
What I didn't understand was the original poster observation that 'I delete dbo. objects but they are recreated automatically'  (he does not say he re-ran the script)

my thinking was...

1) script was run successfully again schema sample.* (apart from one small problem in script with hardcoded dbo. - now fixed)
2) NopCommerce is run with a sql user defined in datasettings.json with a default schema dbo.  (the sa account for example). Then the fluent migrator has created the dbo.* objects alongside sample.*
3) datasettings.json was changed to alternative user than has sample. as the default schema. Everything works against .sample ok.

Strange stuff :D

Sergei-k wrote:
Even those places that we fixed could not lead to duplication of tables. It is more likely that the upgrade script was executed on behalf of the user whose default scheme  is DBO, and not on behalf of the user through which nopCommerce work with database
3 года назад
Thank you so much for your efforts.

Should i retry deleting the [dbo].table tables?

Should i rename the plugin [dbo].plugintable to [sample].plugintable before retry deleting the [dbo].table tables?
3 года назад
If your certain the app is now looking at sample. schema, I would take a full SQL backup, and then maybe delete one of the dbo. tables as a test (which is easy to recreate manually), such as dbo.TopicTemplate  - then see if it is recreated automatically.

I'm not sure what [dbo].plugintable is? maybe from an older version of nopcommerce? Or a table created by a 3rd party plugin?

Just tread carefully, take backups along the way.

tomsen wrote:
Thank you so much for your efforts.

Should i retry deleting the [dbo].table tables?

Should i rename the plugin [dbo].plugintable to [sample].plugintable before retry deleting the [dbo].table tables?
3 года назад
ok, fine.

[dbo].plugintable stands for the tables created from plugins like [dbo].SS_Conf and alike.
3 года назад
Understood, sure.

tomsen wrote:

[dbo].plugintable stands for the tables created from plugins like [dbo].SS_Conf and alike.
3 года назад
little behaviour description:

The (wrong) "[dbo].MigrationVersionInfo" is restored if something is clicked in nopcommerce admin area.
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