How do I setup paypal to accept my payments?

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13 лет назад
what do i do in order to setup paypal direct cause im lost right now. and does paypal direct allow th customer to checkout from my site without ever having to goto paypal? I dont mind paying for anything I ust need to know exactly what to do.
13 лет назад

PayPal Direct enables customers to check out and pay directly on your site without having to go to paypal sites. The customers should enter their credit card information on your site, so you should enable SSL and be careful with that information.

To enable PayPal Direct using PayPal Sandbox
1. Create an account on
2. Create one personal test account.
3. Create one merchant test account.
4. Configure NopCommerce
  a) Enable PayPal Direct for your site from the administration panel: Administration->Configuration->Payment->Payment Methods.
  b) Follow the steps described in the Configuration section for PayPal Direct payment method in NopCommerce administration panel:
    - Log into your PayPal account.
    - Click on Profile from the Home Menu.
    - Under Account Information >> Choose API Access.
    - Click on Request API Credentials.
    - Choose API Signature as the credential type.
    - Enable the checkbox and agree to the license Terms-I agree to the API Certificate Terms of Use and terms incorporated therein and press the Submit button
    - select "Authorize and Capture" if you want to accept the money from the customer right after the authoriziation. The other option allows you to authorize the customer`s credit card information and the take their money whenever you want.
    - check the "Use Sandbox" option
  c) Then you should enable Website Payments Pro(WPP) for your merchant test account(currently there is a bug in enabling Website Payments Pro on merchant test accounts, so if you encounter this you might contact some of the paypal administrators to enable it for you).

  If everything goes to plan you can test the payment by providing the information from the personal test account when making the checkout.
Some useful links:

If you cannot enable WPP on your merchant account:

We haven`t integrated paypal direct in the real world yet, but I believe the steps will be the same.
1. Create a business PayPal account.
2. Configure your site to use PayPal Direct.
3. Enable WPP.

Hope this helps.
13 лет назад
do i need to pay for website payments pro?
13 лет назад
As far as I know it is $30 per month.

13 лет назад
Do I need to enable PayPal somewhere in addition to Administration>Configuration>Payments>Payment Methods? I've looked everywhere and can't find that PayPal Direct option anywhere :-$

I was only able to find them in page 9 of all Settings:
13 лет назад
I just set up Paypal standard. Do you have a look at manual which explains the install ?
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