How to adjust location of adsense advertisement

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13 лет назад
Hello guys,

Google adsense option is working fine but
I would like to adjust location of the ad a bit.
Could you tell me how to do that?

13 лет назад
I found Root.Master in MasterPages folder has the markup for adsense. So I was able to do what I wanted by fiddling with the file and styles.css.

More specifically, at default google ad was located at the end of page but I wanted to put the ad in the header just below header links. So I moved following line from Root.Master

<nopCommerce:GoogleAdsense runat="server" ID="ctrlGoogleAdsense" />

to <div class="header-links-wrapper"> in Header.ascx.  And you need to add

<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="GoogleAdsense" Src="~/Modules/GoogleAdsense.ascx" %>

in Header.ascx for GoogleAdsense to be recognized in the file.

By adjusting width of header-links-wrapper in styles.css, I was able to achieve the goal. Best part is that I could do this without compiling anything.

Hope it helps other people too.
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