Polls - HomePagePoll vs PollBlock

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13 лет назад
What is the difference between HomePagePoll that will display a poll on the home page versus the PollBlock (defined on the ThreeColumnMaster?  

I can get my HomePage polls to show up, but haven't anything on the right yet... apparently I haven't figured it out.

13 лет назад
Hi rob,

The HOMEPAGEPOll is to display the poll on the homepage (in the center module)

The threeColumn side polls - to display the polls on either side columns

In order to understand the difference - Go to Admin section > Content Management > Polls

EDIT the existing poll

now you will see a check box : Show on home page (It means you can display your poll on the homepage)

Now take a look at SYSTEM KEYWORD: which means which side you want to display the poll (right or left)

Try to play with different settings and you will understand the difference

Hope it helps...
13 лет назад
Ah-Ha!  - Thanks!

I simply/merely unpublished the Default:  'Do You Like NopCommerce?' figuring that was all I needed to do.
When I added a new Poll referencing the System Keyword: 'RightColumnPoll' and set it to be Published, I figured it would be displayed.  Alas, It wasn't.

The *problem* was the PollBlock apparently ooks for the first match of the system keyword, so it still pulls the 'Do You Like NopCommerce?' poll, and then sees that it configured to not be published... so it doesn't display anything.

I altered the 'Do You Like NopCommerce?' poll to no longer reference the 'RightColumnPoll' and now my Poll shows up.

13 лет назад
I've been trying to figure this out for hours and still have not got it yet. Could you please show me how to put poll on the side column? If you could, please show me step by step. thanks
13 лет назад
toanhnt wrote:
I've been trying to figure this out for hours and still have not got it yet. Could you please show me how to put poll on the side column? If you could, please show me step by step. thanks

Just create a new poll with one of the following system keywords: "RightColumnPoll" or "LeftColumnPoll"
13 лет назад
It worked, thanks...
12 лет назад
I want to add custom content and text in on the left side(every page).
Is their any way to add this in the user interface(Administration) or must I add content area in the masterpage?

if I need to add it in the ThreeColumn.master
what is the best practises.

should I create a userform and put all my content in this? then put it below(<nopCommerce:InfoBlock ID="ctrlInfoBlock" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">)?
12 лет назад
it must be in  
<div class="master-wrapper-rightside-3">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cph3" runat="server">

row 37
12 лет назад
1.  I think this is a bug (and previously mentioned in this thread)

If you have two polls set to RightColumnPoll and one of them (let's call it the first ordinal or created, but not having the smallest sort order) is set to Published = false, neither Poll shows in the right column.

The query is selecting the first Poll (by ordinal?), and if it is Published, it is shown.

What I would expect is that the query should select any polls that are Published, ordered by Display Order.  Then, if only one is supported, the first one should be used.

2.  Does the left/right column support more than one poll?
For example, if you have two polls set as System keyword: RightColumnPoll, should they both show?
Or, is the first only shown (top 1)?  Is there a simple way to have any set as RightColumnPoll be shown?

I looked into this and found:

            var query = from p in _pollRepository.Table
                        where p.SystemKeyword == systemKeyword
                        select p;
            var poll = query.FirstOrDefault();
            return poll;

This would need to be changed to have the service return List<Poll>:

            var query = from p in _pollRepository.Table
                            p.SystemKeyword == systemKeyword &&
                            p.Published == true
                        orderby p.DisplayOrder
                        select p;            
            var poll = query.ToList<Poll>();

3.  What is the current intent of the display order applied in regards to Polls?
6 лет назад
How to put the Poll anywhere in the text? For example, I would like to display poll on the specific category... How to do it? Thanks.
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