nopCommerce 4.50 -Suggestions, bug reports and improvements

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один год назад
Look on the appsettings.json file is all the urls ok?  All the paths to the cash files

My file httpdocs\App_Data\appsettings.json
"AzureBlobConfig": {
    "ConnectionString": "",
    "ContainerName": "",
    "EndPoint": "",
    "AppendContainerName": true,
    "StoreDataProtectionKeys": false,
    "DataProtectionKeysContainerName": "",
    "DataProtectionKeysVaultId": ""
  "CacheConfig": {
    "DefaultCacheTime": 60,
    "ShortTermCacheTime": 3,
    "BundledFilesCacheTime": 120
  "CommonConfig": {
    "DisplayFullErrorStack": false,
    "UserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.xml",
    "CrawlerOnlyUserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.crawlersonly.xml",
    "UseSessionStateTempDataProvider": false,
    "MiniProfilerEnabled": false,
    "ScheduleTaskRunTimeout": null,
    "StaticFilesCacheControl": "public,max-age=31536000",
    "SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions": true,
    "PluginStaticFileExtensionsBlacklist": "",
    "ServeUnknownFileTypes": false
  "DistributedCacheConfig": {
    "DistributedCacheType": "redis",
    "Enabled": false,
    "ConnectionString": ",ssl=False",
    "SchemaName": "dbo",
    "TableName": "DistributedCache"
  "HostingConfig": {
    "UseProxy": false,
    "ForwardedProtoHeaderName": "",
    "ForwardedForHeaderName": "",
    "KnownProxies": ""
  "InstallationConfig": {
    "DisableSampleData": false,
    "DisabledPlugins": "",
    "InstallRegionalResources": true
  "PluginConfig": {
    "ClearPluginShadowDirectoryOnStartup": true,
    "CopyLockedPluginAssembilesToSubdirectoriesOnStartup": true,
    "UseUnsafeLoadAssembly": true,
    "UsePluginsShadowCopy": true
  "WebOptimizer": {
    "EnableJavaScriptBundling": true,
    "EnableCssBundling": true,
    "JavaScriptBundleSuffix": ".scripts",
    "CssBundleSuffix": ".styles",
    "EnableCaching": true,
    "EnableMemoryCache": true,
    "EnableDiskCache": true,
    "EnableTagHelperBundling": false,
    "CdnUrl": null,
    "CacheDirectory": "~/Presentation\\Nop.Web\\wwwroot\\bundles",
    "AllowEmptyBundle": true,
    "HttpsCompression": 2
один год назад
Hi, we are using the back-end API to sync price tiers from Navision to nopCommerce. It seems the price tiers are cached when calling
. In this case that is not what we want, we would like to get back the data directly from the SQL database. Is there a way to bypass this or (suggestion) could an extra parameter be added to calls whenever you required non-cached data? Or is there maybe a way to clear the cache using the API?

Godfried Seegers
один год назад
Resultfactory wrote:
Is there a way to bypass this or (suggestion) could an extra parameter be added to calls whenever you required non-cached data? Or is there maybe a way to clear the cache using the API?

No, out of the box. It'll require some customization. This plugin is available with source code so you can add a new API method to clear cache
один год назад
Hi ,

We have an emporium theme and migrated from 4.2 to 4.5 in our local from visual studio..
I have copied all the plugins,app settings ,plugins.json files, and the theme to 4.5 and ran all the db scripts but

When I start the application getting object reference error from plugins.json.but not sure which plugin is causing the issue.. can u have any suggestions
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