product discount

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2 года назад

We have a b2b with more discounts and cart with more items.

I'm looking in PriceCalculationService/GetAllowedDiscountsAsync

I don't know if is by desing or not.

GetAllowedDiscountsAppliedToProductAsync have a difference implementation compare with

It's possible missing a call to
await _discountService.GetAllDiscountsAsync(DiscountType.AssignedToSkus, showHidden: true);
With my data I resolve my situation adding date filter in  (start/ending discount)

2 года назад
NopCommerce 4.5
2 года назад
What exactly is the bug here?
Method GetAllDiscountsAsync is not called for a product by design, this is not necessary, since we have a property product.HasDiscountsApplied allows us not to load discounts from db once again.
Parameter showHidden = true is not used both to get product discounts and to get category discounts, see here. As for discount dates, they are checked later in ValidateDiscountAsync method. Do you have any customizations?
2 года назад
No, it's standard.
I understand, thanks for reply
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