Problem compiling 4.50.3

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один год назад
Fresh download of source code. Updated all nuget packages.

When I attempt to build the solution it fails with this error:

\src\Libraries\Nop.Data\DataProviders\LinqToDb\LinqToDBPostgreSQLDataProvider.cs(16,30,16,42): error CS0115: 'LinqToDBPostgreSQLDataProvider.SetParameter(DataConnection, IDbDataParameter, string, DbDataType, object)': no suitable method found to override

Any help is appreciated.
один год назад
I just built v4.50.3 without doing any package updates and there were no errors
Probably you should not do a package update to later versions because the 4.50.3 version has been tested and released using the nuget packages originally specified
один год назад
Download the source code and build the solution. Don't update any of the packages.
один год назад
Yidna wrote:
I just built v4.50.3 without doing any package updates and there were no errors
Probably you should not do a package update to later versions because the 4.50.3 version has been tested and released using the nuget packages originally specified

Yeah, that was a mistake, to update packages. It's building now.

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