Roxy Fileman - error 4.50.3

один год назад

I have an issue with new instance of nop. Every rights on folders are checked. The error dialog is: E_LoadingAjax /Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DIRLIST

There is no message in log...

Can someone help me please?
один год назад
Please share errors from the browser console or admin log (site.url/Admin/Log/List).
один год назад
Hello, thank you fot answer

Console log after upload file:
Uncaught TypeError: c.ListFiles is not a function
    at checkUploadResult (main.min.js:1:27701)
    at uploadFinished (main.min.js:1:27401)
    at uploadComplete (main.min.js:1:26568)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (main.min.js:1:28122)
checkUploadResult  @  main.min.js:1
uploadFinished  @  main.min.js:1
uploadComplete  @  main.min.js:1
(anonymous)  @  main.min.js:1
load (async)    
fileUpload  @  main.min.js:1
click  @  main.min.js:1  @  jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js:6
dispatch  @  jquery-1.11.1.min.js:3
r.handle  @  jquery-1.11.1.min.js:3

no errors show in /Admin/Log/List
один год назад

I am facing same issue and using Nop Version 4.40.3. Every rights on folders are checked. The error dialog is: E_LoadingAjax /Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DIRLIST

There is no message in log...

Can someone help me please?

Getting Below Error :
{"res":"error","msg":"Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'codec')"}"
один год назад
I have resolved the issue of The error dialog is: E_LoadingAjax /Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DIRLIST by deleting bad data from the PictureBinary table like below.

Someone has uploaded a bad Image that had 0x binary data due to that reason it was throwing an error.
один год назад
Hm, i have a new instance of NOP, so there is should not to be wrong images inside...
один год назад
If I upload image in database is in virtual path "~/images/uploadedundefined" I think, there is problem with path, the slash missing...
один год назад
No one home here any more
Did you solve this issue ?
один год назад
alexey.a wrote:
Please share errors from the browser console or admin log (site.url/Admin/Log/List).

Error 404. The requested page (/Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest) was not found
Page URL:
Referrer URL:

I guess it is something to do with a changing in Routing from v4.5 to v4.6 ?
один год назад
Anyone using any other File Manager with the Rich Text Editor in v4.6 ?