Issue with Product attribute in cart

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один год назад
I 'm discovering two problems in NopCommerce 4.30 cart.

1. Attributes are not editable even if the shoppingcartsettings.allowcartitemediting is set to True

2. Attributes label show the default attribute label and not product specific attirbute like below:
OrdiniCampo05NavigazioneOrdine: Ordine
OrdiniCampo11TipoAcquisto: Rinnovo Licenze [-30%]
OrdiniCampo15Intestatario: aaafdsfds
OrdiniCampo25EmailIntestatario: bbbfdfdd
OrdiniCampo30LicenzaContrattoCodice: dffdf

Viewing the product page attrubutes specific labels are correct.

Thank you in advance for support me.
один год назад
It's not clear to me what you mean...

If you add this product to the cart

In the cart the "Edit" link should appear in the product section (just after the attributes).  If you click it, it goes back to the product detail where you can change the attributes.
один год назад
Hi, first of all thank you.

Yesterday i remember that Nopcommerce support team answer me about this near 3 years ago ... if the product is a simple product connected with a  Grouped Product the edit is not possibile

They said to me that this behaviour is by design ... anyway we have a lot of grouped product in our site and this is a big problem ... we have to re-think our catalog.

Regards, M.

If you can help with this other issue i will appreciate it
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