local Value of any entity wouldn't load after "Save and Continue" on Admin Area

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один год назад
Hello everyone,
I tried to search the forum but didn't find anything about this issue,
engine is Nopcommmece 4.40.4
there is not any modification in admin preparation Factory , and no JS or 3rd party plugin.
issue :
for example if i open a product which has local values (both Standard and language local)
there is two name for both languages which is loading correctly (also meta-title, seo-name, etc...)
when i do save-continute this page the local value doesn't load so if i save this page again , all locale values will be gone (will be deleted from db).
If i refresh the page before second save/save-continue it shows locale values correctly.
this error happens admin wide in every entity like product,category,etc...
i couldn't reproduce this problem in local debugging.
Also there is not any error in log , or console.
один год назад
This has been fixed in 4.50, please see this issue.
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