so this is Default.cshtml inside CrossReference folder:

@model IList<ProductOverviewModel>

@await Component.InvokeAsync("JCarousel",new {carouselName = "FULLY EQUIVALENT PRODUCTS", productModels = Model});

And this is CrossReference.cs :

public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(int productId, int? productThumbPictureSize)
            //load and cache report
            // var productIds = (await _productService.GetRelatedProductsByProductId1Async(productId)).Select(x => x.ProductId2).ToArray();
            //load products
            string t = "SK_SP-1228ALC180;SK_SP-1239ALC180;SK_SP-1244ALC180";

            string[] skus = t.Split(';');

            var products = await (await _productService.GetProductsBySkuAsync(skus))
            //ACL and store mapping
            .WhereAwait(async p => await _aclService.AuthorizeAsync(p) && await _storeMappingService.AuthorizeAsync(p))
            //availability dates
            .Where(p => _productService.ProductIsAvailable(p))
            //visible individually
            .Where(p => p.VisibleIndividually).ToListAsync();

            if (!products.Any())
                return Content(string.Empty);

            var model = (await _productModelFactory.PrepareProductOverviewModelsAsync(products, true, true, productThumbPictureSize)).ToList();
            return View(model);

It runs and returns 3 products in the model.

But I don't see any Jcarousel  and have another Jcarousel after this from the pre defined datasource which works fine.

This btw is in the ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml :

@await Component.InvokeAsync("CrossReference", new { productId = Model.Id })

What am i missing here?