HOW to edit codebehind File C#, cant' seem to work!

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13 лет назад
Hi guys, everytime when i tried to edit the code behind C# in vs2010, those runat controls in the code behind will be underlined in red.. I can't seem to call those controls in code behind file. Im using nopcommerce v1.9

Need help!
13 лет назад
Can you elaborate your situation or take a screen shot and post here.

I think you are editing the designer file
13 лет назад

You can view the error below.

***The Error occured when i tried to change the contact us.aspx (from CodeFile to CodeBehind)

Reason why i change CodeFile to CodeBehind ---

* i can call the id of the control in the .aspx.cs

Originally, i cant call any controls, after i change to CodeBehind, i can call them.

13 лет назад
13 лет назад
If you want to use Codefile,

then you have to recompile the solution.

Look at this article so you can decide code behind or code file
13 лет назад
Hi Eddy,

I'hv changed all the CodeBehind To CodeFile.

But a new problem surface again.

I can't publish my website using vs2010. It gives me a list of errors.

U can view the errors below.
13 лет назад
xiaozhu wrote:
I can't publish my website using vs2010. It gives me a list of errors.

U can view the errors below.

This issue can be solved by deleting my temporary ASP.NET files before publishing the site - "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder
13 лет назад
Hi, visual studio still return me the same list of errors. I tried to delete, but whenever i open the project, nopcommerce (folder) will be automatically created in the temp folder.
13 лет назад
Even If i use the original nopcommerce project, if i  edit the .cs C# code, It will not be reflected on the website.

Commenting on all the codes in the .cs file, will not give me any runtime error.

It seems that modification of the code is sealed?
13 лет назад
Hi xiaozhu, your page(contact us) looks ok, without any problem.
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