Fatal Error on login **Urgent help please**

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13 лет назад
My live site is down getting some fatal error, please somebody help me, its urgent, following is the error i am getting if customer trys to login ro try to register themseleves..

Server Error in '/estore' Application.
Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May  8 2011  1:22AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May  8 2011  1:22AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at May  8 2011  1:22AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.]
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +2030802
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +5009584
   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning() +234
   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +2275
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) +215
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) +987
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) +162
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +178
   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +137
   System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.DynamicUpdateCommand.Execute(UpdateTranslator translator, EntityConnection connection, Dictionary`2 identifierValues, List`1 generatedValues) +168
   System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateTranslator.Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter) +267

[UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.]
   System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateTranslator.Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter) +389
   System.Data.EntityClient.EntityAdapter.Update(IEntityStateManager entityCache) +163
   System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(SaveOptions options) +609
   System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.SaveChanges() +15
   NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.CustomerManagement.CustomerService.UpdateCustomerSession(CustomerSession customerSession) +171
   NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.CustomerManagement.CustomerService.SaveCustomerSession(Guid customerSessionGuid, Int32 customerId, DateTime lastAccessed, Boolean isExpired) +362
   NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.CustomerManagement.CustomerService.Login(String email, String password) +2600
   NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Profile.StoreMembershipProvider.ValidateUser(String username, String password) +290
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.AuthenticateUsingMembershipProvider(AuthenticateEventArgs e) +60
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnAuthenticate(AuthenticateEventArgs e) +129
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.AttemptLogin() +127
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +101
   System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +37
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +125
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +167
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +10
   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +13
   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +36
   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5563

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1
13 лет назад
Got the same problem like you.

Arvixe (my provider) tell me that they weren't any problem blablabla but i got the problem.

They advice me to clear the cache andi it works. But it s not a solution to my customers !

Then i recompile Nopcommerce application and replace each file. But i can't tell you if it works.

Hope that will help you.
13 лет назад
Has nothing to do with the ASPX files. That is a database error. Looks like it cannot see the database, or i cannot connect to the database. The error is not specific. Is this exactly what is shown in the browser?

13 лет назад
What do you see if you simply try to query data from any one of the tables? Or if you even try to connect to the database? Have you truncated the transaction log lately? It does not look like that kind of error, but it could be the drive where the trans logs reside is out of space also.

If you cannot connect to the database using SSMS, or you cannot query any of the tables, then that would be the issue.

What does the actual SQL log show? Look there, it will tell you exactly.

13 лет назад
Thank you for responding for this query, yes this was exact things I see in the browser, you were right issue was something to do with the database, i restore the database from backup issue resolved, but i am keen to know what could have caused this issue.

Even my provider was Arivxe, looks like something went wrong on thier SQL database server.

13 лет назад
Ask them to show you the SQL Logs. That will tell exactly what was incorrect.

I am thinking either the Log file for the Temp database, or possibly a drive issue, and SQL could not find the Log file for your database.

13 лет назад
Thanks! i will ask them to provide the SQL Log file
13 лет назад

I had the same error yesterday ( "Fatal error 9001..." ).  My website is also hosted by Arvixe too.  I reported the issue to them and gave them the URL to this topic.  I had to wait a couple of hours but they did resolve the issue.  It was related to the DB but they haven't given me a definitive answer (although I did request one).


13 лет назад
That is related to a drive filling up. The drive that the Temp database resides is full.

Sounds like it is time to change ISPs. Find a much better one

13 лет назад
I had thiss issue before...

sometimes arvixe didn't set unlimited growth for mssql databases... if you ask them to set UNLIMITED growth  they will do this and you will not get this error.
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