How to use the second Email Account ?

4 месяца назад
Hello everyone,

I use nopCommerce v4.6.
Here "Admin/EmailAccount" I can add a few email accounts.
I tried to find where to use second account but could not yet.

Actually, I would like the system to use default one (like [email protected]) to send emails to customers.
Also, I would like to have another email configured to get some administrative notifications, for example when something wrog with the system, or when new order is created by a customer.

So, where it can be configured?
4 месяца назад
You have the option to select an email account from the message template. This choice becomes available once you enable advanced mode.

4 месяца назад
The "Email Account" field in the configuration is the source / sender email account.  Not the destination / receiver.  In many cases there are different templates for customer vs store owner notification - e.g.

If you need an additional receiver, use  the BCC field.