Measure values for your conversions in Google Ads

3 месяца назад

I got a strongly recommendation from Google Ads to measure values for my conversions:
Not every customer or conversion brings the same value to your business. By measuring the different values of your conversions, you can gauge your performance on Google Ads and begin to use value-based bidding strategies to optimize toward your various business objectives (like revenue, profit, or even lifetime value).
You’re seeing this recommendation because you are tracking conversions but not differentiating the value of these conversions

After upgrading nopCommerce from 3.90 to the latest version 4.60, didn't find Widgets.AdWords anymore => as a temporary solution, added into \Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Checkout\Completed.cshtml:

  gtag('event', 'conversion', {
    'send_to': 'AW-***********/jO-******',
    'value': 1.0,
    'currency': 'EUR',
    'transaction_id': ''

What should I do to measure conversion value as OrderTotal into 4.60, please?

Thanks a lot for your help
3 месяца назад
I suggest you use a Google Analytics 4 plugin from any vendor that have this plugin for your version of nopCommerce.

This will surely work.

Best regards,