Multiple Vendors / Stores - Step by Step Code

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12 лет назад

How customer requests admin that he want to become vendor. Please help.

12 лет назад
the admin should set the customer as admin and then map the customer with a store.
an admin customer that will not map with a store will have access to all product and all stores
12 лет назад
hezyz wrote:
the admin should set the customer as admin and then map the customer with a store.
an admin customer that will not map with a store will have access to all product and all stores

Can several vendors sell the same products? Example if you have products A to Z, Vendor 1 has A,B,C and D; Vendor 2 has C,D,M,N  and Z and Vendor 3 A,Y and Z
12 лет назад
Instead of manually entering the StoreId into the Customer table from the Admin panel, why not let the customer create their store and then pass the StoreId from that table into the Customer table?
12 лет назад
eadameg wrote:
the admin should set the customer as admin and then map the customer with a store.
an admin customer that will not map with a store will have access to all product and all stores
Can several vendors sell the same products? Example if you have products A to Z, Vendor 1 has A,B,C and D; Vendor 2 has C,D,M,N  and Z and Vendor 3 A,Y and Z

no they cannot, each vendor add/manage its own product so they cannot share the same product.
i am working on the full version for the NC 2.0
the full version will include separated orders, checkout and invoices for each vendor
12 лет назад
hezyz wrote:

no they cannot, each vendor add/manage its own product so they cannot share the same product.

Thank you

hezyz wrote:

i am working on the full version for the NC 2.0
the full version will include separated orders, checkout and invoices for each vendor

That would be wonderful!! Very much in demand
12 лет назад
Dear hezyz,

Thanks for your reply.

I am working on nopCommerce 1.9 and my requirement is registering sellers from front end and each seller have their own store. No other seller can see his products. Please help if your code can help me.

Thanks in advance
12 лет назад
Regarding your new handling of separated orders, payments and the store logins to your store-admin for them...

1. How are you going to separate orders? Are you making only items from one store able to be added to the cart, that seems limited.

2. If multiple items by retail customer from multiple stores can be added to a single cart then how are you deciding to handle the store-admin view, order status updates and payment details at this level?

3. Seems the customer placing the order and their my account order history have to appear the order as one entity.

4. Seems the store-admin has to have order status per line item rather than overall order.

5. Seems the customer payment goes to one parent site manager (payment method) and the store-admin simply see paid or not, update their specific line item for order status.

If you could shed some light on what your development decisions are here we could probably work together, add more food for thought or commission further customisations.
12 лет назад
amaans wrote:
Dear hezyz,

Thanks for your reply.

I am working on nopCommerce 1.9 and my requirement is registering sellers from front end and each seller have their own store. No other seller can see his products. Please help if your code can help me.

Thanks in advance

this is what i have done
12 лет назад
Dear hezyz,

Thanks for quick reply. Could you make it sure if I can register or create different sellers accounts from front end. Addition to this is it possible to add more account type?

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