Redis remove cache, not working.

одна неделя назад
I have Redis enabled in one of the website(based on NopCom version 4.0), and configured a load balancer as well.  My site went down & gets auto-restarted whenever I make changes and save anything in admin(ie: Edit the store details.). After debugging, I found out that it's "_cacheManager.RemoveByPattern(pattern)" causing this problem, it contains following code:

  protected virtual async Task RemoveByPatternAsync(string pattern)

            foreach (var endPoint in _connectionWrapper.GetEndPoints())
                var server = _connectionWrapper.GetServer(endPoint);
                var keys = server.Keys(database: _db.Database, pattern: $"*{pattern}*");

                //we should always persist the data protection key list
                keys = keys.Where(key => !key.ToString().Equals(RedisConfiguration.DataProtectionKeysName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                await _db.KeyDeleteAsync(keys.ToArray());

Dose anyone have any idea on this issue? It'll great if you can help me to resolve this thing. Thank you.
одна неделя назад
Hi. There may be some restrictions on the Redis server side, try adding the parameter allowAdmin=true to the redis connection string