Paypal - DigiCert Global Root G2

один месяц назад
Hello Everyone,

We are using the PayPal Smart Payment Button plugin that was developed by nopCommerce on our website.

We received an email from Paypal a couple of days ago which says:

"Following DigiCert's direction, PayPal will start using Certificates issued from DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain. We are requesting you to add DigiCert Global Root G2 to truststores that are used to connect to with PayPal. PayPal will begin to use certificates with the Root G2 Chain from October 2024. More information and required steps can be found here."

I know most customers received this email, even me on my personal email (I don't have a personal site with Paypal integration).

I am wondering if we have to do anything on our site/plugin?

I have read on various sources on the web, that we don't have to do anything, however, just want to make sure.

один месяц назад
MCoincraft wrote:
I have read on various sources on the web, that we don't have to do anything

You're right. There is no need for you to do anything.
один месяц назад
Hi Andrei,

Much appreciate the quick response.  I had a hunch it was just an advisory email. I did read that the DigiCert Global Root G2 has been in place since around 2014, 10 years ago. As people were saying on other forums, they are not sure why PayPal sent this email.

Anyway, thanks again.
