Microsoft Dynamics 365 Plugin

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Plugin
This Plugin is an integration between Microsoft Dynamics 365 and nopCommerce. It allows store owners to sync their store's customer and order details with Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Скачать плагин Вы будете перенаправлены на сайт разработчика для загрузки плагина.
Поддерживаемые версии: 4.20, 4.30
Дата загрузки: июня 09,2020
Последнее обновление: января 22,2024

The main objective of the plugin is to integrate Dynamics 365 with nopCommerce. The plugin will allow store owner to connect, sync all the customers’ and their contact details in Dynamics 365 for quicker access. This plugin also syncs orders and connect these data points in Dynamics 365. It will help turn visitors into leads, nurture them into customers, and measure your business growth. This plugin only works correct with a default nopCommerce. To ensure the plugin will work OK for your customized website please contact us [email protected]

1. Download plugin
2. Login as Administrator
3. Go to Configuration
4. Click on Plugins
5. Click on "upload plugin or theme" (Upload the downloaded plugin)
6. After the list reloads, scroll down to the line with new plugin name, and click the "Install" link.
7. When the plugin is installed successfully
a. Click on "configure" tab
b. Enter the following details-
URL - URL of Dynamics
ClientSecret key
Authority URL
API URL Contacts- API URL for contacts
API URL Leads-API URL for Leads
API URL Order-API URL for Order
API URL OrderItem-API URL for Order Item
API URL Product -API URL for Products
Price Level Id- Price List Id
Retry - No. of trials to sync the data
Currency Name - Currency
To Email- Email address to send to error records in case of failure
c. Click on “Save” tab

How to get Price-Level Id-
Go to settings>Product Catalog>Select the price list and open in new tab>copy the pricelevelid from the URL
How to get the API URLs-
Go to Settings>Customizations> Developer Resources> copy the Service Root URL e.g: Service Root URL/contacts, Service Root URL/leads, Service Root URL/salesorders, ServiceRootURL/salesordersdetails, Service Root URL/products