Paldesk Live Chat by nopStation

Paldesk Live Chat by nopStation
Nop-Station Paldesk Chat is a live chat platform for online sales and customer service that is meant to help nopCommerce websites enhance sales conversions and respond to consumer concerns quickly.
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Поддерживаемые версии: 4.40, 4.50, 4.70
Дата загрузки: июля 28,2021
Последнее обновление: июня 03,2024

Customer chat is an essential feature of any online store or eCommerce. Chatbots are an effective tool for optimizing the chat experience. They can send automated replies to customers based on specific queries and give the chat experience a level of automation. Paldesk, in particular, is a popular chat service for online stores with chatbot integration for added convenience.

Paldesk Live Chat plugin for nopCommerce

If you want to quickly enable Paldesk functionality on your online store built on nopCommerce, then nopStation is here with its Paldesk Chat Integration plugin for nopCommerce. This Chat and messaging plugin lets you set up Paldesk chat services for your online business in just a few clicks. This plugin enables all of Paldesk's chat functionality, including chatbots, for added utility. This lets you generate responses quickly and improves your storefront's customer and sales experience. Having Paldesk's automated chatbots and enhanced messaging experience can make managing customer support for your store easier.

  • No coding skills are required. The process is clear, quick, and simple, so you can get the chatbot running within minutes
  • Chatbot can engage customers at the right time and helps them make decisions quickly
  • Chat can be started with your website visitors and app users in a proactive manner
  • The plugin makes the customer management simple
  • Multi-store supported
  • Easy to install and configure

Enable Paldesk chat services for your store with nopStation's Paldesk Chat Integration plugin. Please take a look at one of nopStation's other chat plugins, Facebook Messenger as well.

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