PowerReviews Integration

PowerReviews Integration
Replaces nopCommerce customer reviews with PowerReviews functionality
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Поддерживаемые версии: 4.40
Дата загрузки: сентября 11,2021
Последнее обновление: сентября 14,2021
This plugin replaces nopCommerce's customer reviews with PowerReviews functionality, adding automatic reviews to your products.


  • Automatically integrates with PowerReviews to add reviews and LD-JSON data.
  • Customizable CSS rules.
  • Customizable Widget Zones for the main three components (product listing reviews, product detail overview, and product reviews).

Before getting started, a few things:

  • You'll need an account with PowerReviews, who will provide API information to integrate.
  • Installation of this plugin will automatically disable nopCommerce customer reviews to prevent collisions. In the case of this plugin's uninstallation, nopCommerce reviews will be restored.
Source code on Github
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