SOLVED: Strange URL for added topics to info box??

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13 Jahre weitere
Here's is something weird I just noticed.  Did search for and didn't really see anything about this yet.

We added some links to our info box and used the following format when adding them:

            <li><a href="<%=SEOHelper.GetTopicUrl(17, "")%>">VIP Program</a></li>

Now when you go to that link from our home page or any other page here is what the url shows:

It's almost like it is doubled up???  I tried to edit the code and just include the number (17) and it errored out.... and if I am not mistaking if I eliminate the (17) and leave the url it won't work either...

So why is it doing this and how can we get it right?  Right as it shows under Content Management>Topics>Rewards Program of

Any help would be great!


13 Jahre weitere
add like this

<li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/YOUR-PAGE.aspx")%>">
13 Jahre weitere
Thank you so much!  Looks like it worked wonderful but a quick question and its not a huge thing but doing it this way it shows on our page like this:  rewards program but should be Rewards Program?  It lost the capitalization??
13 Jahre weitere
Another thing that I am noticing now as well.  Don't get me wrong it does work on the site and the URL is correctly showing up, but in checking our logs I am seeing this for every page that I have changed now:

? Log type:   CommonError
? Severity:   11
? Message:   Resource string is not found
? Exception:   System.Exception: Resource string (wholesale information) is not found. Language Id =7
? IP address:
? Customer:   
? Page URL:
? Referrer:
? Created on:   6/9/2011 9:14:09 PM

Any ideas?
13 Jahre weitere
If it helps this is our set up now for them:

            <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("")%>">
                <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Rewards Program")%></a></li>
13 Jahre weitere
Figured everything out after finding this post:

They are talking about setting up this in the header but worked in the info box as well =)  YAY!
13 Jahre weitere
I sugest you to to like that:
write this line in your ascx file:
<li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/topic/21-ecco-lights-rewards-program.aspx")%>">

Then in administration panel go to Content Management>Localization click Add New and in the Resource name: field write "Public.RewardsProgram" and in Resource Value field write "Rewards Program" now you will have localized link.
13 Jahre weitere
Thanks again for your help!

Did something very similar to your suggestion here but used a NewPage.RewardsPoints under localization and its working wonders!  

Again, thank you so much!
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