Deployment issue on IIS 7.5

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13 Jahre weitere
Hi everybody, I'm experiencing a small issue with nopCommerce 1.90.

I've downloaded the "no-source" package and installed it on my development machine. Everything worked like a charm.

I've done some minor changes (small css adjustments and a new language loaded via administration panel, nothing more) and then I tryied to deploy it on my webserver ( Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5, ASP.Net 4.0).

I've uploaded all the files, created a new website and made it point to the physical path. Configured the binding and url.... and it works. Well, I mean, not entirely.

The problem is that the Default document is not loaded, so I'm forced to enter the full URL.
This is the website domain:
but it doesn't work...unless you type

I've already tryied to manually set the <defaultDocument> entry in the web.config and also to configure it directly with the IIS management tool, but got no results.

Any suggestion?

I've tryied to open the url using Chrome (I was using Firefox), and I just noticed that the default document is actually loaded, but the url becomes !

Is there a way to get rid of the port ?
13 Jahre weitere
I think it's not related to nop. Try to re-setup the website or create a dummy one.
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