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12 Jahre weitere

I will try my best to explain what my problem is, so be tolerant with me if it's unclear :)

I'm working on a payment modul for ePay (Denmark), but my problem is that when a customer click the "Confirm" button then the order seems to be proceeded and after that is the payment form called. But if the customer for some reason don't complete the payment then i need to cancel the order.

Any suggestion how to do that ?

Best Regards

Bjarne Pedersen
12 Jahre weitere
When your customer leaves your site to complete the payment, the order is left "pending". As you said, if he/she closes the browser window, the payment will never be processed and the order will never be complete. At this point, the only option is to periodically run a task to automatically cancel orders that have been pending for some predetermined amount of time.

Fortunately, NopCommerce already incorporates a TaskManager and you can easily create a new task and add it to the manager via the web.config file.

Maybe such a task already exists, maybe someone else can confirm that.

Hope to help,
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