Nop 2.0 Extension Tutoring Sesh

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12 Jahre weitere

I hope I'm posting this thread in the right area, if not please move me.

I'm looking to build a custom nopCommerce site for my small business because I like the functionality nopCommerce and MVC3 has to offer.

I want to build it quickly but I am relatively new to nopCommerce and MVC3. I've practiced with and built a few of the MVC tutorials on Microsoft's site. I've also done some tinkering with the pre-beta nopCommerce 2.0 but I still have many questions.

Would anyone be interested in sharing a remote session with me to teach me the ins and outs of customizing nopCommerce 2.0? If you are, please PM me with 1. a brief bio about yourself, especially in terms of MVC and NopCommerce exp. and 2. how much $ might you charge at an hourly rate to help a junior developer out? Please note that by customization I don't mean CSS styling & themes.

12 Jahre weitere
I want to know those things too.

I can add a small amount, maybe others too? but if you want a private session forget this message.
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