Add to cart error after loading product view inside a lightbox (ajaxed)

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12 Jahre weitere
Hi Guys,

I'm from the PHP camp but was amazed by the cart, congrads to the team for creating such a feature rich cart.

As for the issue I'm having, this is more of a ASP question. I'm loading the product view in a ajax lightbox, used a few if statements to skip the header and footer. All goes well untill I click 'add to cart', where I get a "Validation of viewstate MAC failed." error.

I've tried removing the first form using firebug and adding   enableEventValidation="false" viewStateEncryptionMode ="Never"  validateRequest="false" to the config with no luck.

I'm assuimg the view state var is some thing like the php session/cookie. In this page, there are 4 add to cart buttons with the same name and value. For the life of me I can't figure out how the server knows which one the user clicked on.

So guys, any enlightment on this would be greatly appreciated.

12 Jahre weitere
OMG, amature mistake. Needed full path in action param for the request to goto /products rather than /cat. Appending absolute path to form action field using js fixed it :D
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