Nop.Web.Framework.DependencyRegistrar not called after Plugin installation

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12 Jahre weitere
When we install a new plugin from the administration panel.
The plugin is installed successfully but after that we got the following error:

The requested service 'Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Routes.IRoutePublisher' has not been registered.

After some digging in the problem turned out to be that Nop.Web.Framework.DependencyRegistrar class is never called after the AppDomain is unloaded and the application get restarted.
As this class is responsible for registering all main services/dependencies then none of the required interfaces/services could be resolved.

Does anyone have this problem?
12 Jahre weitere
I might have the same problem.
At least I get the same error.

I uploaded the site to my webhost and everything worked.
Now this morning suddenly I get the error.
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