Extremely long load times

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12 Jahre weitere
There seem to be issues with both initial loading and with a large number of products/categories.  Mine is initial loading as the cart is very small.
12 Jahre weitere
Yep mine too. I only have 1 product in there, and it is taking ages to load the initial page.
12 Jahre weitere

did you deploy your web app with the

<compilation debug="true"...

One of the things you want to avoid when deploying an ASP.NET application into production is to accidentally (or deliberately) leave the "debug" switch on within the application’s web.config file.

Doing so causes a number of non-optimal things to happen including:

1) The compilation of ASP.NET pages takes longer (since some batch optimizations are disabled)

2) Code can execute slower (since some additional debug paths are enabled)

3) Much more memory is used within the application at runtime

4) Scripts and images downloaded from the WebResources.axd handler are not cached
12 Jahre weitere
I changed it to false before I deployed the site.
12 Jahre weitere
I changed mine after deploying my site, however, I am using 1.90 and it's slow...mostly the admin section. I am hosting on my own rackspace cloud server instance and SQL Server 2008...any ideas what else to try?
12 Jahre weitere
I finally got the nopCommerce 2.0 to installl on Godaddy, but I am now seeing a very slow loads.  The only thing in the database is 3 categories with no products.

Can anyone from the nopCommerce Team respond to this post.

Thank you,

12 Jahre weitere
I finally got the nopCommerce 2.0 to installl on Godaddy, but I am now seeing a very slow loads.  The only thing in the database is 3 categories with no products.

Can anyone from the nopCommerce Team respond to this post.

Thank you,

12 Jahre weitere
Onhttp://www.ncthemes.com (currently in Beta), my compilation debug is already set to false but the initial page load is still very slow.
12 Jahre weitere
Try this. Get a free account at http://www.pingdom.com and set it up to check your site every five minutes. That should prevent IIS from unloading the site due to inactivity. Plus they will alert you if the site ever goes down.
12 Jahre weitere
Thanks TempPest.

This seems to be working !! what an awesome site Pingdom is !!

The only issue with this method is, it will mess up my Analytic statistics, but that can be easily fixed with a dummy page that hasn't got the Analytics code on it.
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