Nopcommerce 2.0 Category Product Order

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12 Jahre weitere
I am still getting used to NopCommerce 2.0 so I could in fact be the problem here, but I am wondering if anybody can tell me how to order products from within categories. I see there's a products tab inside each category that I can set the order, but even after I set the order 1,2,3,etc - My store doesn't seem to reflect what I put in there.

Please help cause it's annoying the crap out of me ;)  <--- OCD
12 Jahre weitere
It works fine. Is "Sort by" field on your category detail page (public store) set to 'Position'?
12 Jahre weitere
I would like to set the default view and not allow customer to sort.
12 Jahre weitere
I just upgraded to 2.1 and it seems to be working fine now. How do I sort products on Homepageproducts to sort by same position as another category?

By the way... AWESOME job on 2.0 so far! I really appreciate your help too Andrei.
12 Jahre weitere
12 Jahre weitere
12 Jahre weitere
It is sorted by name.
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