Can someone help me in this project

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14 Jahre weitere
We need the below functions asap in nopCommerce.

1. Theme Chooser
When we setup a new Role in the system we want to be able to choose which Theme should be applied when that Role is logged in.

2. Logon Shop Only
A General Setting that enabled us to setup if the shop requires login or not. If it is required the shop should not be visible at all execpt a clean formatted logon page with a logonbox in the middle.

3. Categories/Products displayed per Role
We need to be able to choose which categories and products that are displayed when a certain Role is logged in. So the category Catfood with some catfood products will only be shown to customers logged in to a Role that are marked in the category and product admin pages.

4. E-mailtemplates per Role
One e-mailtemplate per Role so that the Catfood people gets a special e-mail with some catimages inside.

5. Optional URL to Role mapping
I would like to setup like and that url goes to the catfood shop and goes to the shop that diplays dogfoodproducts.

Can someone build this and charge us for the work?
14 Jahre weitere

I highly recommend you place an advert on the job boards.

14 Jahre weitere
I am not paying to post an item on the job board and then pay to finish this customization and give it to the community. No, if I am willing to pay to contribute with this functions for you, then you must also help finding the resources to finish the job. Otherwise we will have to go with another solution which have this built in and that would make me sad because I am a true believer of the open source powers.
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