Help Required: SEO Section in Nop COmmerce

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12 Jahre weitere
I am using nop commerce V 1.90, I want to know that  exactly what and how to write in the following fields in SEO section of a product,

Meta Keywords:       ?
Meta Description:     ?
Meta Title:               ?
Search Engine Friendly Page Name:   ?

I typed Key words related to my product in " Meta Keywords " and the short description in " Meta Description " but I have no idea, what should I write in Meta Title and Search Engine Friendly Page Name?

Here I give an example for the writing Keywords style :

Meta Keywords: phone, cheap mobile phone, cell phone,

Please let me know, is it the correct method to write the key words or should I Write all the keywords in inverted commas " "  ?

Like as follows:

Meta Key Words: "phone", "cheap mobile phone", "cell phone"

I do not know, what is the right method?
One more query regarding to the SEO HELP; Are the  keywords Case sensitive or it can be written in any case, like upper case, lower case or any format?

Please assist me.

Kind Regards,

12 Jahre weitere
Hi Axiom

Your questions are more SEO related than nopCommerce related. I'm not any kind of expert on the subject, but here are my  suggestions.

1) Yes, you can comma separate your keywords.

2) The META description should be a short description of the current page (if it's a product page, explain the product briefly; if it's a manufacturer page then explain the manufacturer). Copying the product short description into the META description will probably work most of the time.

Nowadays, however, search engines are not giving too much weight to META keywords and META description in their search results. TITLEs and URLs (the addresses shown in the address bar in your browser) are much more important now.

Basic advice is: try to use the keywords (Google search terms) you want to use for your page in the title, and if possible in the first N words that can be displayed on Google's non paid results.

Keep in mind that in Google results, parts of the page title and URL matching the keywords are automatically shown in bold, which can help in getting clicks. Do a quick google yourself and find out.

I can only recommend you to find some good introduction to SEO, I think there's some kind of entry level ebook from Google themselves.

12 Jahre weitere
I went astray and forgot to answer your specific questions, sorry. ;)

Meta Keywords:       The META keywords tag of the page.
Meta Description:     The META description tag of the page
Meta Title:               The HTML TITLE tag of the page, shown in results and browser's window
Search Engine Friendly Page Name:   The URL of the page, shown in search results and browser's address bar.
12 Jahre weitere

Please see this:
12 Jahre weitere
Hi Axiom,

Once you learn how to set your SEO content, you will notice that this is a very time-consuming exercise.
Although the good SEO of an online store is a MUST for a successful business, many store owners just don't have the time and resources to add SEO content especially when they have a lot of products in their online stores.

That's why we have created a plugin that is a real time-saver!
Check out our FREE plugin Nop Smart SEO

Hope this helps!
12 Jahre weitere
Dear cdelaorden and abcd_12345,

many thanks for your replies and the proper knowledgeable information. In a short description, both of you have given me a lot of information regarding the SEO.
its really helpful for me.

Kind Regards.

12 Jahre weitere
Hello 7 Spikes,
I am just reviewing your product and I will get back to you.
Thanks and Regards.

12 Jahre weitere
hello axiom,
                 hope this helps you, when you have your title,description & keywords you want to use, i suggest testing them at the following site, , which has a meta tag analyser page to test your page against (or any page of any site) if you want example put my home page in meta tag analyser ( and you will see all results. Also the tester will tell you if your keywords, description, or title are too long for a visiting robot. You can use the tester to try out different combinations on each of your pages until you get a good result. Loads of other useful free tools on that site as well to check your site/page with. Yeah it is a SEO thing rather than a nopcommerce one, regards purerider
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