Understanding solution project

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12 Jahre weitere

i'm new with this open-source project and with mvc 3 but i work since two years in asp.net mvc.
I installed nopCommerce starting the solution in vs2010. Now i want knwon how is structured this project.
I see 4 folders:
Library, Plugins, Presentation, Test.

I understand that in library there is the services and C.R.U.D. for operation on dB with EntityFramework.

In Plugins there are external services that allows to integrate external payment, facebook etc etc.
If i want add other external service how can i do?

In Presentation there are three project (nop.Web, nop.Admin, nop.Web.Framework). what are the differences between these three projects?? why are it three?? If i want modify one page or its contect how can i do? in which project must i modify?

I'm waiting your responses and i'm sorry for my bad english.

Thanks for all.

12 Jahre weitere
I was where you are now a few weeks ago with just starting out with nop, but you have the advantage of having previous mvc experience, where I didn't, so this will probably be a easier for you to pickup.

I started by browsing through the tutorials at http://blog.csharpwebdeveloper.com/. There are 3 good tutorials there that will get you started on the basic layout of the nop structure. The plugin tutorials will be helpful in showing you how to add other external services.

In presentation, you have the 3 projects directly related to the output they handle. The admin handles the administration section, the web project handles the frontend user website, and the framework seems to me more like support libraries for the other two, without any views of its own. The admin/web sections both have their own seperate models/views and controllers for their respective sections.

If you wanted to modify say the administrator poll page, you would change its view in "Presentation/Nop.Admin/Views/Poll". And if you wanted to modify the frontend/user version of the poll page you would be looking more at the "Presentation/Nop.Web/Views/Poll" folder. (Note: direct modification of the core nop files is usually not the best way of handling changes--again the tutorials above will show you some of the other ways, including the very handy method of overriding a view with your own copy in your theme folder.)

Save for this general outline, I just finished developing my first plugin, which handles both admin CRUD functions, and frontend display sections, so if you had more specific questions going forward I might be able to help. Or if it's beyond my level of understanding, I'm sure one of the many other helpful users around here could.
12 Jahre weitere
Hi Geralt,

thanks so much...you are so accurate in your response...Now i watch the tutorial that you say me...
I hope that i can help you in future...;)
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