Property Being Html encoded

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12 Jahre weitere

Based on Skyler's "Updating an existing entity. How to add a new property"  tutorial (and a lot of help from the gentleman himself) I was able to sucessfully add 3 new properties to the PoductVariant entity. The code is working as expected except for one thing... when I edit the properties in the admin view the values I enter get saved to the database as encoded.

In  my view (\Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Views\Shared\_ProductVariantInfo.cshtml) I coded of my properties to be displayed using the rich editor as follows:
   <td class="adminTitle">
      @Html.NopLabelFor(model => model.myVariant1):
   <td class="adminData">
      @Html.EditorFor(x => x.Specs, "RichEditor")
      @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.myVariant2)

I my model (\Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Models\Catalog\ProductVariantModel.cs) I coded the properties as follows:

public string Specs { get; set; }

public string Downloads { get; set; }

The view displays fine and I can edit the fields and everything looks and works great until I do a save (or save and continue). At that point the data I entered gets Html encoded before it is stored in the database and displayed back to the screen. Code which should be stored like...

<strong>Size: </strong>10" x 7" with 12" Handle<strong>Unit Weight:</strong> .2 lbs.

ends up looking like...

&lt;strong&gt;Size: &lt;/strong&gt;10" x 7" with 12" Handle&lt;strong&gt;Unit Weight:&lt;/strong&gt; .2 lbs.

I found the following comment in the RichEditor.cshtml file, and think it may be the answer to my problem, I just can't figure out where to go with it....

/*.Encode(false) weird. Settings "Encode(false)" doesn't work on category & product details page
Now we have to manually decode values*/

It looks like I need to manually decode my values once they have been returned, and before they're stored in the DB, but I can't find the place I should be doing it. The only other field I see on the admin product and category details pages that uses the rich editor is FullDescription, but I don't see anything different in the way it's coded as apposed to what I've done.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


12 Jahre weitere
Hello again,

Is the person who wrote the RichEditor.cshtml file around? If so, this would porbably be a quick and easy one for who ever it was to answer.

12 Jahre weitere
Telerik editor (2.00-2.30) doesn't work well with encoded strings. That's why you have to manually decode strings (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode) in \Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Controllers\CategoryController.cs file. Look at 'Create' and 'Edit' methods (POST handlers).

That's why we moved to TinyMCE editor in upcoming 2.40 version
12 Jahre weitere
Thank you. thank you, thank you... just what I needed.
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