header mail to name

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15 Jahre weitere
Hello all,

How can i change the users mailaddress into the users name?
<%=Page.User.Identity.Name %> displays mailaddress

15 Jahre weitere
Replace with  <%=NopContext.Current.User.FullName %>
15 Jahre weitere
Ok got it!

Thanks for your help!
15 Jahre weitere
how to show only surname?

Kind regards
15 Jahre weitere
<%=NopContext.Current.User.LastName %>
15 Jahre weitere
I tried that but I get:
CS1061: 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.CustomerManagement.Customer' does not contain a definition for 'LastName' and no extension method 'LastName' accepting a first argument of type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.CustomerManagement.Customer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

15 Jahre weitere
Sorry. Look at Customer's FullName property. You should get the last name the same way as we do (using customer's attributes). Nop.Common\Customer\Customer.cs
15 Jahre weitere
You could just be cheeky and split the full name :p
15 Jahre weitere
Is this an option?
CustomerAttribute firstNameAttr = customerAttributes.FindAttribute("FirstName", customer.CustomerID);
            if (firstNameAttr != null)
                txtFirstName.Text = firstNameAttr.Value;
15 Jahre weitere
You're right. Just replace FirstName with LastName
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