add to an already compiled site

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12 Jahre weitere
I messed up pretty badly. I completely deleted my copy of the source code after making many changes to the source and getting my clients site up and running. He is now wanting some additional changes made but without that original source code I am not able to make the changes and still keep the changes I already made for him on the compiled version.

I am trying to add this code to the global.asax file

if (Request.RawUrl.ToLower().EndsWith("discover"))

is there any way of doing this without losing what is already compiled?
this is on nop 2.30
12 Jahre weitere
scripter wrote:
is there any way of doing this without losing what is already compiled?

I don't know whether it's possible. But I presume that sooner or later you'll need to make some other changes. You'll need the source code.

1. DLLs. I would recommend you to decompile existing assemblies, find the changes with the original source and apply them one more time. Have a look at Reflector.
2. cshtml files. You can simply add the existing files to the solution (overwrite the original ones).
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