Recurring orders not working as expected

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12 Jahre weitere
Can someone help me with a question on recurring products?

I am testing with a product that is setup to have a 1 day cycle and recurr for 3 cycles.

We are using PayPal direct for order processing.

I placed an oder for the recurring product last Thursday. (order #110)

On Friday, I received and e-mail saying that another order (#111) had been generated which is what I would expect for a recurring order.

On Friday, I also received an e-mail from nopCommerce saying that order #111 had been cancelled.  I did not receive any more automatic orders after that.

On the PayPal side the credit card I used for the test was charged for the original order and for the 3 subsequent renewal orders.

Is it correct for me to assume that a new order should be generated in the nopCommerce system for each automatic renewal cycle?  And with this order, shouldn't the customer receive an e-mail saying that their automatical renewal order has been processed?

Can anyone tell me how a recurring order could be cancelled?  (Is the customer and the admin the only people who can do this?)  

It would be really helpful if someone could give me a step by step process of how recurrign orders work and it wuold sure be nice if this info could be put in the User Guide.

12 Jahre weitere
PLease disregard this bug report.  I found out that one of the e-commerce shop managers who I had setup with an Admin account had manually triggered the first recurring order, and then had manually cancelled the order without really understanding what he was doing.

I apologize for this false alarm.

We are in the process of running some additinal recurring tests so that we can get a better understanding of how the process works.

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